Sunday, September 9, 2018

Today is Your Day.......

Back in my day.......

Have you ever heard someone use those words?  I even saw an ad today that was talking about grandparents and used the phrase, "in their day". When is my day?  Has my day passed if I'm over 30?  Heaven forbid!

When I was a teenager, I thought of someone in their 40s or 50s as old.  Now that I'm approaching my 60th birthday, my opinion on age has changed considerably! I think my attitude began changing when I was approaching 30 and feeling a little sad that my 20s were ending.  My husband said something profound one day that totally changed my perspective on aging. He said, "You act like you're sorry you lived this long."  I realized that getting older just meant that I was a survivor - it was a victory, not a defeat.

 I don't feel old and I definitely don't feel as if my time has passed or that it's time to just sit back and relax.  I'm just now really learning my full purpose in this life.  If God lets me live to be 100, I'll still be finding ways to serve.  My roles and responsibilities may change with time and with age, but each day of my senior years is just as important to God as the days He gave me in my youth.

Our church sponsored a youth conference this weekend and I am in no way taking anything away from the importance of what God wants to do through teenagers in the Kingdom.  We need to pour into our kids the wisdom of God, the strength and power of the Holy Spirit, and the dependence on Jesus that they will need to fulfill their purpose.  My prayer is that they will be established and strong and will avoid some of the pitfalls of the world that the enemy will try to use to derail their destiny. I just don't want you to think that if those days are in your rear-view mirror that you are finished.

If "our day" is only the days of our youth, what is the purpose of the rest of our lives?  The Bible shows us that God had a purpose for people of all ages, not just the young.  For every story of a young David or Samuel, there's also a story of an aged Abraham or the elderly prophetess Anna at the temple as she saw the infant Jesus.   Age means nothing to an eternal God.  He can use us from childhood to old age.  Every day is "our day" if we are walking with the guidance of His Holy Spirit.

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