Sunday, August 11, 2019

Juggling Chainsaws

I am in information overload tonight.  There are situations going on in my family that, though I am trusting God to handle, are still on my mind.  The school year has begun and I have lesson plans and schedules and special education paperwork and meetings spinning around in my head. I have dozens of alarms and reminders on my cellphone because I can't possibly keep up with everything that is going on.  There are also the hundreds of big and little things that we all have to keep track of to run our homes, manage our finances, care for our loved ones, and even just get ourselves dressed and out the door in the morning. 

It's like juggling chainsaws, herding cats, or flying an airplane WHILE building it. It's overwhelming and it's tiring and it makes me feel like a failure at all of it.

There's so much swirling around in my brain that I couldn't even remember hearing God once this week.  I usually see or do or hear something between blog posts that drops a little lesson into my heart, but the mental noise has canceled out anything He might have been trying to say.  As soon as I realized that fact, there was the post.

"Stop the noise, stop the input, and just listen."  The Bible puts it this way in Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God".  So this post is short and to the point.  Put everything else out of your mind.  Sit at His feet.  Hide the to-do list.  Just be.  Be still. Know - remember, recognize, acknowledge, meditate on, consider, discover, understand -that He is God and He's got this.  A year from now, all of the things that are cluttering your heart right now will a distant memory - and He will still be God and He will still be there. 

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