Sunday, July 7, 2019

In This Place

Last Sunday at our church there were several songs that we joined in together that invited the Holy Spirit to be "in this place".  Of course, we know that the Holy Spirit is present everywhere, but as a congregation, we desire His tangible presence among us and to see Him work to change lives.

Every time I hear a song like this though, I always place my hand over my heart and think to myself that I am not just inviting the Holy Spirit into the place of the physical sanctuary where we are worshipping, but into my own heart in a new and fresh way.

On the day of Pentecost, the second chapter of the book of Acts says that a sound as of a rushing mighty wind filled the house where they were sitting but it also says that tongues of fire came to rest on each one of them.  There was not only a corporate experience of the Holy Spirit in the physical place but an individual experience in each person present.

While God is omnipresent, He chooses to make his habitation in us, not in our buildings.  So when we come together in praise and in worship and invite the Holy Spirit to be in our midst, we are asking HIm to work in and through us to touch the lives of those in that physical place.

So the next time you sing a song like that, remember to make it personal.  Invite the Holy Spirit once again into your heart, your life, your mind, your circumstances, your family, your job, your future.  He will come if He is welcomed.

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