Sunday, October 14, 2018

See Them the Way God Sees Them

A few months ago, I walked into the sanctuary of my church and was pleasantly surprised to see someone I had not seen for quite some time.  There had been a moral failure in this individual's life and the details were common knowledge.  I was happy to see they were back in church because I knew that, failure or not, they would be loved and encouraged into a right relationship with God.

I went to tell my husband about seeing this person.  My husband is not always great with remembering the names of people.  I often have to describe someone's appearance or tell him where they sit in the congregation or remind him of an event or a conversation with the person so he can put a face to the description. On this occasion, I found myself describing the person by what they had done wrong, but almost immediately the Holy Spirit reminded me that God sees this person through the blood of Jesus - spotless and acceptable to Him.  God sees the potential in their life - the purpose and plan He has for them.  

I know that repentance is necessary for forgiveness and I'm hoping that has already taken place, but we as Christians also need to look at those who have fallen with those same eyes of compassion, remembering the times that we also have failed.  If you described me by my failures and sins, you'd be missing the big picture. You'd be seeing something that is past; something God chooses not to remember anymore.  You'd miss the amazing vision that He sees for my future.

1 Samuel 16:7 says ".......For the Lord does not see as man sees; for a man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.  

I don't know what is going on in the life of this person, but God does and though the failure may end up being part of a glorious testimony, I resolve that I will not look upon them as the person who sinned but as the prodigal who returned to the Father.  

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