Thursday, October 26, 2023

Purchased, Downloaded, and Activated!


The other day I noticed a charge on my credit card statement that I didn't recognize.  After a little research, I found that it was a yearly renewal of virus protection software.  After a little more digging, I found the email I had received when I signed up for the service, and to my surprise, I realized that I had never actually downloaded the software!

Not only that, but in the process of downloading the file, there was a final step that asked me to activate the software.  That's right - I purchased something that I never downloaded, and once I downloaded it, I still had to take another action to activate it.

It only took a few minutes for the Holy Spirit to use that little episode of computer business to get my attention.

Our salvation has been purchased with the very blood of Jesus.  It's paid for; it's ours; it's settled in heaven with our names written in the Lamb's Book of Life.  The problem is that sometimes we stop right there when there is so much more included with that "salvation subscription", but only if we take the proper action.

We have to receive a download from heaven and that includes so much.  We have access to the baptism of the Holy Spirit and all the wisdom of the Word of God.  We have guidance, power, the fruit of the Spirit, and the gifts of the Spirit. We have everything available to us that pertains to life and godliness.  His Word tells us about all of that and more.  Some of us download all of that through studying the Bible and praying, while others neglect those disciplines.

However, even if our minds know all about the elements of the download, we don't see changes in our lives or results from our prayers if we don't learn to activate the download.  On my computer, it was as simple as clicking a button on the screen, but activating the things of God takes a bit more intentionality.  We activate the Word by speaking it in faith.  We allow the Holy Spirit to be active in our lives when we surrender to Him.  We develop the fruit of the Spirit by walking with Him daily and renewing our minds.  We exercise the gifts of the Spirit by seeking them and learning to listen to His voice guiding us to release those gifts for the benefit of the body of Christ.

Without all three of these things happening in our lives, we can't reach the goal that the Apostle Paul talked about in this scripture. 

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14)

How often do we just count on our salvation relationship to carry us through things, without specifically activating faith in any given situation? Just because we know Him and we are hoping for a thing to happen does not mean we are activating our faith.  We don't walk in power in our ministries just because we know things - we must activate the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  

It's so easy to coast in this Christian life sometimes.  When circumstances are difficult, it's tempting to just operate in the "realm of overwhelm" and forget all the tools we have at our fingertips that God has provided to help us navigate those hard paths.  

I'm experiencing a lot of "overwhelm" right now and the Holy Spirit used this crazy credit card charge to remind me of all the things I should be activating in my life.  My mind knows what to do but my spirit-man has allowed the enemy to keep me in "download only" mode.  I'm determined now to activate it. How about you?

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Move Toward the Light


We have an outbuilding on our property that we call the "Prayer Shed".  Sometimes I also call it the "Escape Room" because it's the only place I can find where I can truly be alone, unobserved, and unheard.

I was there tonight, reading the Word, and praying.  The prayer was difficult.  So much is going on in the life of our family: health issues, uncertainty, financial pressures, and relationship challenges.

Because of all of this, I've been pulled in many directions lately. and I've been expected to fulfill many different roles. In times like these, it's easy to get spiritually weary and discouraged.  Sometimes I feel so dry and so inadequate for the tasks set before me. 

I got brutally honest with God because He already knows my questions, my not-so-holy thoughts about things, my frustrations, and my resentments.  I'd love to say that the shed lit up with holy light and angels came to minister to me and now everything is perfect, but that didn't happen.  I turned off the desk light and plunged the little room into total darkness.  

It's only a few steps to the door of the building and on the other side of that door were the lights of the patio that could lead me to the house. As I took those steps, I heard, "Move toward the light".  God wasn't giving me directions to my house.  He was reminding me that in the middle of the most difficult situations in our lives when we are tempted to turn into our own emotions and wall ourselves off from God in desperation, the only wise thing to do is to move toward Him instead.

In John 6:66-69, many who were following Jesus turned away from Him and deserted Him because of offense at some of His sayings which they misinterpreted.  He asks the twelve disciples in His inner circle if they would also leave Him.  Simon Peter replied, "Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life.  We believe, and we know you are the Holy One of God."

I still don't understand all the "whys" of this situation. I still face the same uncertainties and the same challenges, but where else could I go?  Who else could I seek for help in this difficult time?  He is still the answer and the light of the world and I'll continue to move toward Him and not away so He can lead me where I'm going.